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Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 193

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Tweets - Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 193

The Words of Henry Thoreau, a Philosopher in the Woods — Part 27

“In the very close vicinity of everything,
‘the power’ which creates things is existing.
The greatest rule in the world has been constantly implemented ‘just next to’ us.
What lies ‘just next to’ us is the craftsman who created us.”

Thoreau would indicate in this paragraph
the sacred wisdom of the universe or God.
In other words, it is the great power which has been creating this world.

This universe can exist at the moment,
because there is the fathomless wisdom of the universe.
Flowers bloom, stars move
and everything is done by the great power of the universe and life.

Humans were also created by the wisdom of the universe.
The wisdom and the power have been working now.
It is the unknown energy working incessantly every second.
Humans can’t exist without this energy.

The universe keeps on moving.
The creation has been continuing without stopping even for a second.
The universe is creation itself,
and the creation is working in great order and rule of the universe.

The world exists and the world continues to move right now,
because the great order and rule of life have been implemented,
and it can be said to be the act of God.

All existence and movement of life
are in this great creation and order of the universe,
and it is exactly the truth of life itself.

God and divinity are not somewhere far away,
but just next to us right at the moment.


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Shri Sai Sumiran Times