February-2010 NewsPaper

Shirdi Sai Worship Centre, Singapore celeberates 2nd Anniversary.
Sai Bhajans in Markham, Toronto by Rana Gill.
Sai Baba Helped Me Win The Medal.
Baba Blessed My Daughter.
Sai Utsav In Jajpur by Shirdi Sai Sewak Mandali.
Baba’s Miraculous Udi.
Having Unwavering Faith.
Teachings of Shri Sai Satcharita.
Two Lizards.
Faith And Patience.
Tags: 2012, Aarati, Abhishek, Ascension, Buddhism, Center, Channeling, Chant, Counseling, Esoteric, Fire-Puja, GOD, Healing, Hinduism, India, Japan, Kalachakra, Mantra, NewAge, Oriental, Religion, SaiBaba, Saint, Secret, Shirdi, Shiva, Spiritual, Teaching, Tokyo
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