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Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 100

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Tweets - Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 100

“Man who hopes to be poor in spirit must be poor
in God, himself and all of his knowledge,
as less as he doesn’t know about anything.
Therefore, it is impossible to know about God’s work,
and seeking as much as he can’t recognize is vital.

If you really want to pursue and find God,
you must be free from every known thing.
God and mystery of the universe are fathomless by human wisdom.
They can’t be objects of any thought and isn’t imaginable in the head.

If you imagine God in your head, it is already known.
It is just the God you can recognize and made up in the head on your own.
However, such made-up thing is nothing but a fake.

Mystery is mystery because it remains unknown forever.
We keep on our journey of unknown meditation because of the unknown mystery.
God is the entity beyond every idea or wisdom,
and it is not recognizable.
We can do nothing but completely be silent in front of God.

However, exactly in that empty silence, there is the sacred mystery.
If you abandon all of your knowledge or recognition and become completely empty,
sensitivity toward unknown mystery opens up from the depth of the bottomless blank silence.

The vast infinite unknown blank would nullify every knowledge and word.
You can’t know anything, so you are a vagabond who travels the earth each moment.
You can’t know anything, so your mind is never filled,
and you do nothing but just go on the unknown unexplored path.

This unknown journey is an everlasting pilgrim to infinite mystery,
and a never-ending sacred journey.

Eckhart’s words “Poor in knowledge” means
abandoning everything you know.
Then and only then, you can stand on the infinite unknown earth of the divinity.
And life goes on forever.

+Bongaren & DivineSoul Inc. represent Kiyotaka.Aiuchi & Kaco.Aiuchi
*[Shirdi SaiBaba Tokyo Center, Japan]
> http://shirdisaibaba.jp/
> http://www.facebook.com/shirdisaibaba.jp
*[DivineSoul Inc. Spiritual Energie Work's]
> http://www.divinesoul.eu/
> http://www.facebook.com/divinesoul.eu

mailto: shirdi”@”bonga.jp


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Shri Sai Sumiran Times