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Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 91

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Tweets - Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 91

“Obsession makes up various illusions.
Whoever wishes reality must distant oneself from obsession.
To have obsession means not to have enough feelings of reality.
True reality is felt only when you distant yourself completely from obsession.
Even though there is merely one thread left, the obsession is not gone yet.”

Are you obsessed with anything now?
Obsession is your desires or ego.
Your desires and ego make you cling to something.

Obsession belongs to the past and the future.
You are obsessed with your past memories, remembrance and experiences,
or with your future ideal, wishes, achievement and accomplishment.

It is the same with human relationships.
Fear for losing what you are now drives you to cling to a specific person.
You are obsessed with your past memories, experiences and happiness with him/her,
and with your future in the hope that it would last forever.
However, when the relationship breaks up, you despair and feel sad.
Everything is the consequence of your ego and self-obsession.

Being obsessed means that your mind is tied to the past and the future,
but ‘reality’ is neither the past nor the future.
Reality is a moment beyond the time of ‘now’ (past and future).

If you are obsessed with something,
you would never live in the ‘reality’ of the present.
You are trapped by the past and the future, and live only in them.
There are merely delusion and wishes that generate from obsession,
and such spirit is not in the real world at all.

In fact, this is awful,
because not to live in the reality means
that the spirit of such people are buried in delusion and fantasy.

When your obsession is gone, your desires for the past or future is gone,
your ego is gone and living in the ‘this very moment’,
then and only then you could live in the true reality.

+Bongaren & DivineSoul Inc. represent Kiyotaka.Aiuchi & Kaco.Aiuchi
*[Shirdi SaiBaba Tokyo Center, Japan]
> http://shirdisaibaba.jp/
> http://www.facebook.com/shirdisaibaba.jp
*[DivineSoul Inc. Spiritual Energie Work's]
> http://www.divinesoul.eu/
> http://www.facebook.com/divinesoul.eu

mailto: shirdi”@”bonga.jp


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Shri Sai Sumiran Times