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Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 24

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Tweets - Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 24

Sacred Self-renunciation

Self, ego, egocentricity —
All of these are the sources of our agony.
We torment ourselves by clinging to ourselves.
Have you ever realized that the source of your mental agony was yourself?

Every conflict, fear, sorrow, worry, evil thought and agony.
We live, tied constantly to many feelings.
Its source is also ourselves.

Then, can we live with renouncing ourselves?
This means we completely throw out our “ego”, the egocentricity itself.
In other words, we must live without “self”.
We must live with a selfless mind, spirit of selflessness.

To mature truly as a human means to live without self.
Where there is no self nor egocentricity, there is beauty and virtue as a human.
People who think and act only in a self-centered manner are immature.
They would bother people around them and others, and also tie themselves.

Generally, we live clinging to our ego.
However, nothing is a heavier burden for us than the very ego.
Agony, conflict or fear emanate from ego.
And yet we never try to renounce ego.

In order to live spiritually free, we need complete self-renunciation.
As long as there is self-adhesion, there is no freedom.
To live without ego means to understand human beauty,
and acquire purity of heart and magnanimity.

Without self-renunciation, there is no freedom.
Ego is our own prison.

+Bongaren & DivineSoul Inc. represent Kiyotaka.Aiuchi & Kaco.Aiuchi
*[Shirdi SaiBaba Tokyo Center, Japan]
> http://shirdisaibaba.jp/
> http://www.facebook.com/shirdisaibaba.jp
*[DivineSoul Inc. Spiritual Energie Work's]
> http://www.divinesoul.eu/
> http://www.facebook.com/divinesoul.eu

mailto: shirdi”@”bonga.jp

$TEL: 03-6912-6580 (13:30-19:30)


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