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In the Face of Hardship of the Eastern Japan Earthquake by Kiyotaka Aiuchi & Kaco Aiuchi

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Tweets - In the Face of Hardship of the Eastern Japan Earthquake by Kiyotaka Aiuchi & Kaco Aiuchi

In the Face of Hardship of the Eastern Japan Earthquake by Kiyotaka Aiuchi & Kaco Aiuchi

We express our heartfelt sympathy to people suffering from the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11.
We are deeply sorry that their towns were damaged, their houses were swept away and destroyed, and they have felt hurt by this disaster.
We also extend our deepest condolence to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami.
May the spirits of the victims rest in peace.
May the evacuees from Fukushima due to the accident at a nuclear plant feel safe and secure.

We have received the following message from a Shirdi SaiBaba on this disaster.  Please read it.

[At the end of the age of vice (Kali Yuga)]

This planet sometimes tests lives there.
The results of such challenges are not always tragic.  It is humans that make the results tragic.
You should not consider the challenge this time as a tragedy only for Japanese.
It is a challenge for people in various countries other than Japan, too.
It is a challenge for many other creatures, too.
It is humans that brought worse tragedies than the earthquake to creatures other than humans.
The natural consequence is that humans are hurt the most.
The planet itself will deeply be hurt as well.
Still, the planet chose to test its children, humans.
The planet expects us to learn a lesson from this challenge and improve the planet.
The planet wants us to realize that lightly using potentially most hazardous plants that were developed from the worst weapon is unwise.
The planet anticipates people in Japan, the only country that suffered atomic bombs, to overcome the folly of using nuclear plants and teach a true lesson to the world.
That is why gods silently watch the challenge the planet gave to its children.
It is always darkest before the dawn.
The deepest darkness comes before the challenge.
Gods will help us understand the true lesson when humans overcome the challenge by themselves.
That will be the time when the age of vice (Kali Yuga) ends.
Then the time of the final Sai Yuga comes, the time when humans could exceed gods.
You should approach the brilliant ball with spiritual training.
It is reasonable that Japan implements it.
Surrender to Shirdi SaiBaba.

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