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Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 231

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Tweets - Conversations with Shirdi SaiBaba 231

What is True Meditation? —Part 22

Meditation is always new and has no continuousness.
Knowledge and memory have continuousness.
They are the past and remain old forever.

Meditation is incessantly disclosing the new.
For the new to be, the old must end.
As long as we cling to the old memory and knowledge, we can’t acquire anything new.
Moreover, we can’t meditate without the new.

Life is constantly “alive”.
It is “alive” and not still.
Living matters are new at all times.
Memory and knowledge are still and not alive.

Things which are living at the present are fresh and unfathomable on a constant basis.
Life is consistently flowing. It never stops.
Things which continue to move without standing still are “life”.
And life is “alive”.

When we put an end to the past continuousness such as knowledge, memory or idea
and perceive the new every moment, we can truly meditate.
Meditation is the end of the past and opening up the mind toward the new.

It is together with “life”.


+Bongaren & DivineSoul Inc. represent Kiyotaka.Aiuchi & Kaco.Aiuchi

*[Shirdi SaiBaba Tokyo Center, Japan]

> http://shirdisaibaba.jp/

> http://www.facebook.com/shirdisaibaba.jp

*[DivineSoul Inc. Spiritual Energie Work's]

> http://www.divinesoul.eu/

> http://www.facebook.com/divinesoul.eu

mailto: shirdi”@”bonga.jp


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Shri Sai Sumiran Times