What is True Meditation? …Part14
Motion of meditation is one with the universe.
Humans and the universe are one and not separated.
The universe is the entire life, and individual life is the existence of the universe itself.
It is indivisible one.
The act of meditation is not separated from the universe.
Humans can’t exist without the wisdom of the universe.
Meditation is with the flow of the universe.
If it is out of this flow, it would not be meditation.
We are the universe.
There is no separation between “self” and “the universe”,
but everything is the same one life.
Our act is the act of the universe,
and each motion of the universe is our motion itself.
It is the same with not only physical motion but also with inner motion.
Everything is act of the universe and motion of life,
and living them as they are is meditation.
It is the truth of the universe itself,
and sensing the truth is extremely important.
Sensing the truth is important in meditation,
and the sense comes from remaining life as it is.
Because it is the naked truth of the universe.
We are the universe and the universe is ourselves.
The universe itself is all meditation.
+Bongaren & DivineSoul Inc. represent Kiyotaka.Aiuchi & Kaco.Aiuchi
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