What is True Meditation? —Part 10
Meditation is motion beyond the past.
“Life†is happening now,
and the past is not “living at presentâ€.
Meditation is to open your mind toward things “living at presentâ€,
and it is to transcend the past thoroughly.
The past doesn’t contain “lifeâ€.
It is already dead,
and things living at present is only in “nowâ€.
This “now†is life,
and meditation is motion to deeply perceive this “nowâ€.
For meditation to happen truly, the past must end.
If spirit clings to the past and is tied to it,
there is nothing new.
“Life†is always new and never old.
Meditation is to disclose the new life
and to open your mind toward the life incessantly.
To open your mind toward the new, you shouldn’t be tied to the past.
Only by ending and transcending the past,
the new comes.
When the past ends, meditation begins.
Meditation is awakening “nowâ€
and motion of each moment without any shadow of the past.
This “each moment†has everything of life.
+Bongaren & DivineSoul Inc. represent Kiyotaka.Aiuchi & Kaco.Aiuchi
*[Shirdi SaiBaba Tokyo Center, Japan]
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